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Woman Portraits Painted by John Dowland

Finn Hjarholt og Torben Kure, lutes

En koncert med musik af John Dowland

Musikken er musikalske potrætter af kvinder John Dowland har kendt - arrangeret for to lutter.


Foreløbig playlist:

The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth Her Galliard, *P 41

The Right Honourable The Lady Rich, Her Galliard, P 43A

My Lady Laiton´s Almaine, P 48

Mistris** Whittes Thing (Almain), P 50

Mistresse Nicols Almand, P 52

My Lady hunsdons Puffe*** (Almain), P 54

Mrs. Winters Jump (Jig), P 55

Mrs. Vaux´s Gigge, P 57

The Shoomaker´s Wife (Jig), P58  

 La Mia Barbara (Pavan), P 95  


* P: No. in Diana Poulton & Basil Lam: Collected Lute Music of John Dowland (Faber Music)

** Mistris, Mistresse: The feminine of Mister or Master

*** Puffe: An exhaust of air (eg.: sigh, moan, fart)


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